- Potatoes in Lika are so good that UNESCO accepted them as one of the best in the world. Therefore, they are an indispensable part of the menu in every Lika restaurant or home. In addition to kruppira, cabbage is also used a lot in Lika cuisine. Therefore, we bring...
- Gingerbread cookies are one of the most popular Christmas cookies. Zadovoljna.dnevnik.hr brings the simplest recipe: Ingredients: 15 dag of butter 15 dag of honey 35 dag of smooth flour 10 dag ground walnuts (not mandatory) 2 smaller or 1 large egg 1 teaspoon of baking soda Spices as desired...
- It’s time for another Balkan recipe. Cook with us! Ingredients 2 dcl of yogurt 2 eggs 2 dcl of milk 5-6 large potatoes 1 onion pepper salt flour as needed Preparation 1. Turn on the oven at 250 to heat it up while you prepare the kljukuša. Peel...
- Every grandma knows how to cook this recipe blindfolded. Every mother tries to learn from grandma, but kids always somehow prefer the one grandma cooks. It is a very old and delicious dish that every Croatian loves. Let`s cook! INGREDIENTS FOR BEANS 500g Romano Beans 1 red onion (peeled...