VR Hotelo 2.2. – implemented analytics of the use of headsets on hotel reception


The VR platform for the hospitality industry – VR Hotelo from the Prilika Group company, which offers an attractive welcome to every hotel guest but increases the possibility of cross-selling and selling to a higher level, has now introduced measurements and analytics of device usage. In addition to the standard system improvements, with the new version 2.2. VR Hotel has implemented a system for measuring various parameters of VR headsets, which are available to the hotel for analysis.

VR Hotel version 2.2. has the following new measurement functions:

  • User number. Each headset has a certain number of uses in a day, that is, to put it on your head and enjoy the VR experience. VR Hotelo provides accurate and reliable data that gives a high-quality picture of the success and quality of the experience.
  • The number of views of each video. Video content in 2D but 360 format at the reception, content that can now be measured daily. On average, 4-8 videos are available to users, version 2.2. by measuring the analytics, you will be able to provide an answer to the hotel, which videos have attracted the most attention of users.
  • Some other very important metrics that we can measure with this version are:
    • Dates and hours of use of the VR Hotelo system
    • Video view length
    • The location of the headset (in cases where the hotel system VR Hotelo is in several locations, it is possible to measure the analytics of each location separately)

On the basis of the obtained data, it is possible to create usage reports, make sales decisions, prepare new 360 ​​but 2D video content, develop the hotel’s business strategy and the success of the reception, as well as cross-selling and upgrading.

What does the site use look like? Watch the video below, if you want to implement it at the reception of your hotel, contact us at +385915180205 or sales@prilika.group.

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