“Dubrovnik isn’t the only star of the show in Croatia: Mesmerising images show the beauty of the country’s rivers and waterfalls” is the title of the latest Daily Mail article that shares the images snapped by (as they call him) Croatian biologist-turned-photographer Goran Šafarek!
They include the wild waterfalls of the Krka River, the stunning bright blue source of the Cetina River, Mrežnica river, Kupa river and others…
Goran told MailOnline Travel:
‘Maybe no other European country has such diverse, yet so preserved rivers as Croatia. Its rivers are undoubtedly one of its most important features. They include murky and slow lowland rivers that flood vast floodplains through to short and fast mountainous rivers that flush down rapids.’
Click HERE to be whisked away by the breath-taking images! Well done Goran!
PHOTO: Goran Šafarek