Macerate Oil 1 (Basil, Fennel, Nettle, Ginger, Chokeberry, Black Cumin)


Oil macerate of basil (Ocimum basilicum), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), nettle (Urtica dioica), ginger (Zingiber officinale) and chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) in equal parts dry drug in 100% cold pressed black cumin oil (Nigella sati).

Dry drug represents 20% by volume of macerate; 1:5 by volume.

Take two to three teaspoons daily before meals.

Available in a 200ml pack.

SKU: MAC-SAT-01 Category: Tags: ,


Oil macerate of basil (Ocimum basilicum), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), nettle (Urtica dioica), ginger (Zingiber officinale) and chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) in equal parts dry drug in 100% cold pressed black cumin oil (Nigella sati).

Dry drug represents 20% by volume of macerate; 1:5 by volume.

Take two to three teaspoons daily before meals.

Available in a 200ml pack.


Matičnjak sativa d.o.o. is a company that has been operating since 2013. The idea creator of our products is the well-known phytotherapist and apitherapist Ivo Bačlija, who has been dealing with medicinal herbs since 2006.

Most of our offer consists of products that we produce ourselves, we make small batches and our products are primarily characterized by the fact that they are always fresh and high quality.

The main part of our business is wholesale, we work with some retail chains in Croatia, we export to several Western European countries, and in Zagreb we have a counseling center where Ivo Bačlija provides phytotherapy counseling to our customers.

The entire range of Matičnjak sativa d.o.o. consists of five product groups.

Products can also be divided into two groups, depending on legal regulations: products that are registered as food supplements and that are distributed as food products.

Countless scientific studies have proven to us that nature offers excellent solutions, we just need to know how to use them. The astonishing synergy of plant substances cannot yet be achieved by artificially produced substances, and to believe that we could do without nature would be a great misconception. Plants have naturally developed a large number of phyto-protective substances or phytonutrients that help them cope with fungal and bacterial infections and allow them to overcome daily stresses. If we eat plant foods, we also consume certain active and protective micro and macro elements that play a significant role in the prevention of various types of diseases and health protection.

Additional information

Weight0.4 kg
Dimensions18 × 10.5 × 11 cm
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