Memory Adriatic Story: Educational Game For Children


Educational game that includes 24 cards, or 12 pairs with illustrations of the most famous organisms of the Adriatic Sea (rye, octopus, sea urchin, mussels, cuttlefish, gilthead sea bream, sardines, starfish, shrimp, hake, squid and tuna).

The game is accompanied by an educational brochure with a description of all 12 marine organisms, so you will learn that squid has 4 hearts, that cuttlefish have blue blood or that hake is also called donkey.

SKU: MEM-RIB-IGR Category: Tags: , ,


Educational game that includes 24 cards, or 12 pairs with illustrations of the most famous organisms of the Adriatic Sea (rye, octopus, sea urchin, mussels, cuttlefish, gilthead sea bream, sardines, starfish, shrimp, hake, squid and tuna).

The game is accompanied by an educational brochure with a description of all 12 marine organisms, so you will learn that squid has 4 hearts, that cuttlefish have blue blood or that hake is also called donkey.

A special feature of this educational game is the personalized THANK YOU card on which the child’s name can be written. All illustrations were done by Croatian illustrators Tena Letica and Ivan Dilberović.

Manufacturer: Riblja priča, a craft for the production of toys and services is a small family business opened in 2020 in Croatia with the aim of educating children (and all those who want new knowledge) about marine organisms.

Our wish is that children learn about marine organisms from an early age through educational games in order to ultimately protect the sea more, ie pollute them less, to realize the value and richness of the Adriatic Sea and other seas, and regularly consume seafood.

Additional information

Weight0.03 kg
Dimensions20 × 20 × 15 cm
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