
  • EU pays young people for train rides across Europe – Sign up now!

    Are you up for an adventure? If so, prepare to explore Europe by joining DiscoverEU, a European Union initiative that enables young people to travel. As of 2018, 130,000 people have taken advantage of this benefit. Take this opportunity to experience the freedom of movement, better understand European diversity,...
  • Pula-Buzet bike-friendly train presented

    A train adjusted for the transport of passengers and bikes between Pula and Buzet was presented in the biggest Istrian city earlier this week. The train has been prepared as part of the “Istra bike and train” programme within the European ICARUS programme. Attending the launch of the bike-friendly train at...
  • Connecting Europe Express train stops over in Zagreb

    The Connecting Europe Express train, travelling across Europe to mark the European Year of Rail, has stopped over in Zagreb, and its passengers gathered at the Esplanade Hotel on Sunday morning for Orient Express theme breakfast, organised by the City of Zagreb Tourist Board. The train started out from...