Croatia to open its borders for Slovaks, Czechs, Hungarians and Austrians
As of May 29 Croatia will open its borders for Slovak, Czech, Hungarian and Austrian citizens, Tourism Minister Gari Cappelli said on Wednesday.
Cappelli said that a similar epidemiological situation existed in certain countries and that bilateral agreements would be discussed on the principle of non-discrimination in reference to opening the border.
“We have an agreement with Slovenia and that is functioning as a start,” Cappelli said and announced that the same would be conducted on May 29 for four to five more countries, adding that details were still being discussed with Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria.
“So that citizens from those countries can, for business reasons, owners of properties, vessels and so on, come to Croatia similar to Slovenians and without having to be in quarantine,” Cappelli explained.
Croatia is preparing an application to facilitate traffic at border crossings.
Opening up towards those countries in Central Europe, along with Germany and later Poland, Croatia will round off more than 60% of its total tourism turnover, Cappelli noted, adding that later Croatia could perhaps expect guests from Italy.
He added that all countries agreed that bilateral agreements be concluded on tourist arrivals and that most EU member states have announced relaxing restrictions in tourism and hospitality by June 15.
Flights from South Korea to Croatia in H2 2020
The South Korean T’Way low-cost airline has announced flights to Croatia for the second half of this year while a definite date will be made known soon, the National Croatian Tourist Board (HTZ) informed on Thursday.
HTZ received the information from the director of its South Korean office, Zoran Horvat, who carried the news that was released in The Korea Times daily after the company received approval from the Transport Ministry in Seoul.
The ministry announced that airlines can use their new permits on routes after South Korean and foreign airline authorities reach an agreement on flight safety related to the coronavirus pandemic, Horvat said.
“T’way Air will fly to Croatia four times a week in the second half of 2020 and we are waiting for a precise date for the first flight and destination in Croatia to be announced soon,” said HTZ Director Kristjan Stanicic.
PHOTO: Taja Korpar