New research from reveals the challenge awaiting hopeful travelers in relocating their passports and suitcases
After months of dreaming, the prospect of travel is finally back on the horizon, thanks to the roll out of COVID-19 vaccines. But if travelers thought that once vaccinated they could just jump on a plane and jet away, they may need to think again, as our research reveals that 21% of travelers can’t remember where their passport is and even 9% have no idea where they put their suitcases during the travel hiatus.
Once passports and suitcases have been relocated, travelers will then be confronted with yet another challenge; recognizing themselves in their passport photo.
More than three-quarters (77%) of global travelers admit that they bear little resemblance to their passport photo since spending extended time at home. The most common appearance changes include putting on a few pounds (32%) and acquiring lockdown locks, with 24% of global travelers saying they have grown their hair longer.
Change in appearance aside, people around the globe have used this extended time away from family and friends to reevaluate what is and isn’t important to them; with 42% of global travelers revealing the events of 2020 have taught them that there is more to life than appearance. In fact, many travelers around the world now share very similar values in having no interest in changing their appearance to get vacation ready, with the most carefree travelers coming from New Zealand (83%), Denmark (81%), Netherlands (81%) and France (77%).’s insights show that travelers around the globe are poised to make sure next time they go on vacation they will be feeling good inside and out. All that matters now is that we’re on the brink of being able to discover the world, where lifelong memories can be created once again.
Research commissioned by and conducted among a sample of adults who are planning to travel in the next 12 months. In total 28,042 respondents across 28 countries and territories were polled (including 1003 from Argentina, 1002 from Australia, 1000 from Brazil, 1001 from Canada, 1000 from China, 1002 from Colombia, 1001 from Croatia, 1003 from Denmark, 1002 from France, 1005 from Germany, 1004 from Hong Kong, 1000 from India, 1002 from Israel, 1000 from Italy, 1000 from Japan, 1002 from Mexico, 1000 from Netherlands, 1000 from New Zealand, 1003 from Russia, 1000 from Singapore, 1003 from South Korea, 1005 from Spain, 1001 from Sweden, 1000 from Taiwan, 1003 from Thailand, 1000 from UK, 1000 from USA and 1000 from Vietnam). Respondents completed an online survey in January 2021.