GO SEE THIS EXHIBITION “Small Eyes in a Big World”!


“Small Eyes in a Big World” is the name of the first independent exhibition by the photographer Josip Durdov opened yesterday in Gospić.

22 macro photos of the world that we often ignore are now right in front of us! From ants, flies, mosquitoes… to butterflies and other insects. The author presents a small world that exists within our great world. Super interesting to see!

Josip Durdov is an amateur photographer born in Gospić. By profession, he is a Master of Primary Education, photojournalist for the LIKACLUB and also occasional Plitvice Times associate. His love for photography has been revealed in the early days and today he is a member of Photoclub Gospić and Photoclub Otočac.

Go and see the exhibition that is opened until May 3, 2019.


PHOTO: Milan Krznarić


