In follow-up to the Decision on the ban on movement between counties based on place of residence or stay in the Republic of Croatia, and regarding inquiries about the possibility of travel, please note that the recommendation of the Civil Protection Directorate is not to travel, i.e. to postpone travel to reduce contacts between the population in order to protect everyone’s health and control infection, CNTB reports.
One of the exceptions, as a justifiable reason for issuing an e-pass, among other things, is proof of payment for accommodation reservations (hotel or other), made previous to this Decision entering into force, i.e. payment was made by December 23rd 2020.
Please note that when entering or leaving a county it is necessary to adhere to strict measures of physical distancing and it is forbidden to unnecessarily linger in public places, it is mandatory to have an identity card, other identification document or a document proving belonging to one of the categories of persons that are exempt from the regulations prohibiting leaving the county in which the person has a permanent or temporary residence or a valid pass issued through the e-Pass system.
Passes will be issued in accordance with the instructions that will be published on the website (currently only in Croatian) of the Directorate of Civil Protection over the weekend.
The decision on the ban on movement between counties based on place of residence or stay in the Republic of Croatia (NN 141/20) is available via this link (currently only in Croatian).