This weekend, the second Croatian Walking Festival was held in Lika, gathering participants from as many as seven countries and exceeding all expectations with the number of 1107 them. Twice as many people than the last year gathered in the host cities of Gospić and Otočac and walked the trails named Tesla and Gacka, discovering the natural and cultural beauties of Lika.
The oldest participant was over seventy years old and the youngest rode in a wheelchair.
The impressions of the participants were excellent and the organizers made sure that they lacked nothing. In May this year, the Croatian Walking Festival started the process of becoming a member of the International Walking Federation (IML) and now has the status of a candidate that will most likely soon turn into a member status.
The organizers are already starting to prepare for the third edition of the Festival in 2020, when it is expected even more participants esepcially from foreign countries.
PHOTO: Josip Durdov/Croatian Walking Festival