On the occasion of the International Celiac Disease Day, May 16, the association CeliVita presented an application with a register of gluten-free products to help treat autoimmune diseases that affect up to 40,000 Croatian citizens, reports hina.hr.
Many people who suffer from Celian Disease are unaware of the fact. It is estimated that 1% of the world faces this issue, disagnosed or undiagnosed.
The register of gluten-free products, bezglutena.celivita.hr, is the first such list available with constant updates. You might need to install an extension to your browser for automatic translation because the website is only in Croatian.
Product information is digital, verified, pictorial and descriptive, and easily searchable according to several criteria.
The register is intended for people with celiac disease and family members, people on a gluten-free diet, institutional kitchens (schools, kindergartens, hospitals) and the hospitality sector.
Celiac disease is a lifelong immune-mediated systemic disease caused by the consumption of gluten found in wheat, barley and rye.
Although the offer of gluten-free foods is growing, not only in the retail chain but also in catering, the reliability of declarations and data on food products is often questionable.
The association hopes that the launched application will solve the problem for people when choosing foods for the preparation of gluten-free food, because the inscription “Gluten-free” or the sign of the crossed class of wheat is not on all such products.
Read the full article HERE.