Every year more and more German tourists visit Croatia but still, just a few projects or media talk directly to them. That`s why we were very excited to meet Tina Stommel, the director of the company called Cromedia- Kroatien auf deutsch, that is specialized exactly in that area.
Tina and her partners are working on bringing more and more German tourists to Croatia, and her new project, besides her media, are interactive maps for the German tourists.
These maps contain very interesting information like personal testimonials, important tips, fun events, the most common Croatian words and phrases and many more. The first map is dedicated to the city of Split, and now she is working on other destinations. This is just what the German tourists needed – good tips from their own citizen who comes to Croatia very often. Well it is fair to say that Tina is married to a Croatian and speaks the language very well, so she is actually Cro-German.
“Hr … watts? Croatia in Croatian – that is “Hrwattska” is the first thing every German tourist must know. “Kroatien auf deutsch” introduces them to a country so diverse, so special and so beautiful like no other. Country with dream beaches, spectacular mountain scenery, unique nature parks, cities from the Middle Ages, antiquity and the Renaissance. Also cities with small fishing ports, cool lounge bars, lively marketplaces and winding lanes.”, explains Tina.
The interest for Cromedia maps is increasing and they are very satisfied with the project. Soon many Croatian destinations will have these maps specialized for German tourists, so for more information or business interest make sure to contact them HERE!
Best of luck Cromedia team!