“Where Unicorns, Rainbows and Fairies Are Born”


Shelley Jarvis, an American living abroad is a travel photographer, writer, blogger, adviser and an owner of a company called Niche Travel Design. She writes about and photograph places, hotels, restaurants, makes recommendations to travelers, plans custom and personal itineraries for people and recommends travel-related products. Recently she visited Plitvice so we chatted with her about her experience in our area.

“It was my first time to Plitvice. I went because my brother had shown me photographs and it looked unreal it was so beautiful. I wanted to see it for myself. I absolutely loved it. I only wish that we could have spent more time there exploring.”


Shelley travels the world, so we asked her if she can you name one destination that reminds her of Plitvice?

“I love each place I visit for different reasons, but I have never seen another place like Plitvice though. It is very unique and magical. I want to return in the autumn and Spring.”

See you soon again Shelley!

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