Patrick Pierson, a commercial filmmaker from Minneapolis, Minnesota USA has animal friends all over the world. He meets them, names them and makes true friendships. Patrick recently stayed at Etno House Plitvice Lakes with hundreds of new animal pals and he really liked his vacation.
“The lamb from the picture I call “Hush Money”, then there are about a dozen white rabbits that follow you everywhere. I`ve never seen anything like it!”, says Patrick who has animal friends all over Croatia.
“Animals are my favorite to film if they present themselves. On this trip I’ve named several (because why not) I’ve met quite a few, Morgan, Mumm-Ra, Lord of Pickles, The Melon Kid, Kung-Fu Party, RoboCop and of course Hush Money. “
Patrick does lots of tourism films, commercials and photography and you can definitely see his talent from these pictures.
“I’d absolutely come back to Plitvice with friends. It’s just gorgeous and the people are amazing.”