Ana Torres, The Backpacker girl shares with us her experience form Plitvice Lakes, and we fell in love with her story. First of all, we wanted to know – why traveling?
“Now that I think about it, I think I must have a ‘wanderlust gene’: back in the school days I used to be in a corner reading about distant places while the other children were playing, and during the classes I was always being scolded for daydreaming about travelling, instead of paying any attention to the teacher. When I got older reading about dreams was not enough: I had to live them up and so, I started to travel solo.”
Obviously, Plitvice made it to her “must see” list.
“I fell in love with Plitvice when I read an article entitled “Places to visit in your lifetime”. As soon as I saw the pictures of that crystal clear water I knew I had to see it for myself. This was my first time at Plitvice Lakes, although it was not my first attempt.”
She had booked a flight to Croatia one year earlier, but it was canceled due to a strike. Still, she insisted on a visit and one year after she found herself gazing at the place of her dreams. Persistence pays off!
“Plitvice is even better than in the pictures. I didn’t know there were so many shades of blue and green in the nature, and I found interesting that almost every lake had a different color. The water is so clean you can see fishes swimming. And the sounds… the roar of the waterfalls, the birds singing, the symphony of the wind passing by on the trees. Just magical.”
Also, she would return to Plitvice in a heartbeat!
Someday, when I become a mother, I hope to bring my kids here and explain to them that places like this are the reason why it is worth traveling and discovering the world.”
PHOTO: Ana Torres