English students Francis and his friend Adam visited Plitvice this summer after they decided that Plitvice Lakes will be their lifetime adventure! After having studied at the University of Liverpool together, these total eco-warriors needed one special trip to relax and experience untouched nature.
„Having blown all my money on my graduation celebrations, we decided to go somewhere relatively inexpensive but with raw beauty. We saw photos of the incredible waterfalls in Plitvice and it was love at first sight. Our minds were set and we booked our flights immediately. Our trip to Plitvice was blissful – I’ll never forget the magical memories made there.“, said Francis.
On the first day, they arrived with a pop-up tent to find a campsite that evening. However, as spontaneous souls, they refused to organise anything beforehand.
„We loved the park so much and ended up watching the sunset (whoops!) – it got dark quick… Rushing around quickly to the exit, we soon realised the nearest campsite was around 5 miles away… it became pitch black and we started asking hotels and restaurants if we could pay to camp in their garden – don’t ask you don’t get. Thankfully someone took pity on us after laughing at our ridiculous idea – driving us to the nearest campsite. Still so thankful to this day! Croatians are some of the loveliest people we’ve ever met.“
The boys also give good advice to those planning a visit here.
If you like to know where you’re sleeping in the evening – be organised and figure out a plan of how to get to your accommodation or campsite.
Now that Plitvice Lakes are their favourite destination we hope the boys will visit us again and share their good vibes!
Photo: Francis Baumont