Eco-ethno Gacka will be, as one of the leading manifestations in the region, summer tourist trump card, held for the sixteenth time on 26 and 27 July in the City park of Otočac under the aegis of the City of Otočac and the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Croatia.
The concept envisages two days. On the first day, with numerous exhibitors, trout dishes will be prepared and tasted along with the amusing part for children and the performance of „Mirakul“ tamburitza band. Sponsors of the first evening are the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, County Chamber Otočac and Leko fish farm.
On the second day, a traditional contest in cooking a hunter’s kettle is held, in the presence of numerous exhibitors from the country and abroad, an entertaining part for children, sharing the hunter’s kettle to attendees and a performance by Dražen Zečić.
The general sponsor, Klek travel agency from Ogulin, provides a trip of a lifetime for the best kettle of Otočac and Gacka!
• The manifestation contributes to the preservation of the ethnological and historical heritage of the destination. As exhibitors come from all over Croatia – from Zagreb, Karlovac, Slunj, to Biograd n/m, it has surpassed the local framework
• From 2003 the manifestation contributes to the enrichment of Gacka tourist offer and raising of touristic resources of the destination
• For invested efforts, the reward is a yearly increase of tourism turnover, but also of touristic visits to the destination
• Tourist destination Otočac received a commendation of the Croatian National Tourist Board in 2018 as the third destination of rural tourism.
• The Croatian Association for Tourism and Rural Development „Member’s Club Village” grants a special recognition for rural manifestation in 2017
See you in Otočac on 26 and 27 July!
For more information visit the Otočac Tourist Board WEBSITE.